Bangladesh Botanical Society was established in 1972. Professor Dr. Md. Abul Bashar is the present President and Professor Dr. Ashfaque Ahmed is the current Secretary General of the society. The total number of members is over 2975 of which 541 are life members. The society is regularly publishing popular articles in one issue of Bengali journal named "Udvid Barta" and scientific articles in four issues of Bangladesh Journal of Botany.
(Bangladesh J. Bot.)
Vol. 42
No. 1
2013 June
Nayuf Valdez, Petr Karlovsky, Lana Dobrindt, M. Imdadul Hoque, Rakha Hari Sarker, Hanny Tantau and Hans-Peter Mühlbach
role of bacteria in dieback disease of <i>Dalbergia sissoo</i> Roxb
ANM Alamgir, Minhajur Rahman and Ataur Rahman
Phytochemical characteristics, antimitotic, cytotoxic and antitumor activities of bark extract of <i>Streblus asper</i> Lour
Jing Zhou, Yanrong Wang and Zulfi Jahufer
Location and chemical composition of semi-permeable layer of forage seeds
Samia Ageeb Akladious and Salwa mohamed Abbas
Alleviation of sea water stress on tomato plants by foliar application of aspartic acid and glutathione
AA Al-Qarawi, EF Abd_Allah and Hashem Abeer
Effect of Ephedra alata Decne. on lipids metabolism of Aspergillus flavus Link
Mohammad Shoeb, Shefat-E-Nusrat and Moniruzzaman Khondker
Chemical investigation of <i>Corypha taliera</i> Roxb
Dilruba parvin and JL Karmoker
Effects of waterlogging on ion accumulation and sugar, protein and proline contents in <i>Corchorus capsularis</i> L
Bengu Turkyilmaz Unal
Effects of growth regulators on seed germination, seedling growth and some aspects of metabolism of wheat under allelochemical stress
M Umma Kulsum, M Jamil Hasan, Anowara Akter, Hafizar Rahman and Priyalal Biswas
Genotype-environment interaction and stability analysis in hybrid rice: an application of additive main effects and multiplicative interaction
Ghulam Murtaza and Rehana Asghar
Effects of salicylic acid on sucrose synthase activity during seed development and germination in pea (<i>Pisum sativum</i> L.)
Onur Koyuncu, Ãsmühan PotoÄŸlu Erkara, Ö Koray Yaylaci, Atila Ocak, Kadir Osoydan and KurtuluÅŸ ÖzgiÅŸ
Biology of rediscovered rare endemic <i>Cota fulvida</i> (Grierson) Houlb. in EskiÅŸehir-Turkey
Gamal Ma Lashin, Adel A Azab, Akram A Hussien and Am El-Anwar
Effects of plant extracts on growth, yield and protein content of cowpea (<i>Vigna unguiculata</i> (L.) walp.)
Ahmet Muslu and Nuray Ergün
Effects of copper and chromium and high temperature on growth, proline and protein content in wheat seedlings
Yingxin Huang, Xueyong Zhao, Daowei Zhou, Tianhui Wang, Guandi Li and Qin Li
Biomass allocation to vegetative and reproductive organs of <i>Chenopodium acuminatum</i> Willd. under soil nutrient and water stress
Selami Selvi and Mehmet Yavuz Paksoy
Comparative anatomy of stem and leaf of <i>Ricotia</i> L. growing in Turkey
Ming-Lin Chen, Wen-Bin MAO and Mei-Chen Cui
Adaptive anatomical structure for nastic movement in <i>Mimosa pudica</i> L
Irina Gostin and Adrian Oprea
Anatomical investigations on endemic <i>Campanula romanica</i> savul. and their ecological significance
Oa Neverova, Aa Bykov and Oм Legoshina
Detection of metabolites of benzo(a)pyrene in <i>Sorbus sibirica</i> Hedl. leaves and their use in the assessment of air pollution of kemerovo city (Russian Federation)
C Mohan, P Shanmugasundaram and N Senthil
Identification of true hybrid progenies in cassava using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers
MA Gafur and Afroza Sultana
Estimation of nitrogen transforming microorganisms in soils of different tea valleys of Bangladesh
Talip Ceter, Seher Karaman Erkul, Zeki Aytac and Birol Baser
Pollen morphology of the genus <i>Oxytropis</i> DC. in Turkey
Short Communications
Nazma Shaheen, Ali Abbas Mohammad Kurshed, Kazi Muhammad Rezaul Karim, Md. Mohiduzzaman, Cadi Parvin Banu, Momtaz Begum and Yuko Takano-Ishikawa
Total phenol content of different varieties of brinjal (<i>Solanum melongena</i> L.) and potato (<i>Solanum tuberosum</i> L.) growing in Bangladesh
MMA Mondal, MA Malek, AB Puteh and MR Ismail
Foliar application of chitosan on growth and yield attributes of mungbean (<i>Vigna radiata</i> (L.) wilczek)
Betül Burun and Oral Sahin
Micropropagatıon of <i>Lilium candidum</i> L. : A rare and natıve bulbous flower of Turkey
The Society gratefully acknowledges the financial support received from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and the University of Dhaka towards the publication of this Journal.